Project update:Step 2 update

Well the original plan was to complete step 2 by the 09 September 2010. Unfortunately at this time step 2 is only partially complete.

  • 12 out of 25 link for mazes to visit
  • Mission pages updated, although would have liked to expand.
  • I think only one design and one concept have been added. I do however have two more designs that are on my computer but not uploaded. In addition I have several designs on paper
  • Basic list of maze types – not completed
  • Create a maze history maze – created definition and glossary but needs more work.

In conclusion I am about 40% completed. More work to be done.

The original deadline was the 09 September but in reality I probably need to extend this by at least a month to the 09 October 2010.

The target was realistic but my time was diverted by pressures of work and other projects (more important in the short term). The decision not to work on the maze project was justified.

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